What to Know When Selecting an Industrial Equipment Supplier

Choosing the right industrial equipment supplier can mean the difference between an open door and a closed shop. The better the quality of your supplier, the more days you’ll have where machinery is up and business is running smoothly. Therefore, the decision shouldn’t be made lightly.

When starting your search for an industrial equipment supplier, you’ll want to nail down your requirements. The criteria should include budget, deadline, quality and support. You’ll want to consider not only your current needs, but also the future needs you might have for equipment. How fast is your business headed for growth? If you’re growing exponentially, you’ll need an industrial equipment supplier who can keep up.

Once you have these considerations in place and have evaluated suppliers, there are several more industry-specific aspects you’ll want to review. Keep reading to take a look at key qualifications for an industrial equipment supplier, and what to consider before making a decision.


What is an industrial equipment supplier?

An industrial equipment supplier can provide a variety of products for businesses that need important machinery on hand. These kinds of supplies may often include cranes, conveyors, presses, custom fabrication, car stackers and many others. It all depends on your industry. A great industrial equipment supplier will have the products you need to execute your projects — and offer the support to make sure you stay up and running.

At Mathews Mechanical, we serve a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, construction, biomedical, agriculture, food and beverage, transportation, logistics, government and more.


Three essentials for an ideal industrial equipment supplier

Looking for an industrial equipment supplier? There’s a lot to consider. Even when you have full grasp of your project’s requirements, there’s more to it than supply and delivery. Let’s dive into some critical qualities for a great industrial equipment supplier.

Breadth and scope of expertise, knowledge, and skills

At first glance, an industrial equipment supplier might seem like an industry expert. But the key is to look beyond simple delivery and installation service. A quality industrial equipment supplier will offer a breadth and depth of knowledge and skills.

While an industrial equipment supplier may have an installation crew, that doesn’t ensure they’re going to be there to help when you need it. All too often, we see businesses installing equipment without going the distance. They’ll set up the machine but won’t hook up the electrical. Or they’ll deliver without setting up the specifications to your needs. And what about post-install repairs? If not, your business is left to hire out contractors, scramble for solutions, and pick up the pieces.

Selecting an industrial equipment supplier that will prepare your team for success every step of the way can get you to your goals faster. What kind of support functions are you looking for from an industrial equipment supplier? Make sure you’re clear on exactly what support your shop calls for and find a supplier who can match it so your setup won’t fall short.


After-sale service

There’s nothing worse than an industrial equipment supplier who pulls a disappearing act. If they’re here to make the sale, but not to support you after the ink has dried, your business could end up in trouble. You never want to end up with a supplier who slips away right after the equipment install.

Sadly, we’ve seen instances where a business will promise equipment and simply never make the delivery. Whether that’s due to going out of business overnight or other impending issues, your team is the one to face the consequences. Another obstacle you might run into is proprietary equipment. If the supplier can’t service it, you might not be able to find anyone else who can support it either.

Mathews Mechanical is here for the long haul. Reputation and track record matters when selecting an industrial equipment supplier. With 31 years of experience, we’re well-practiced at delivering excellent post-install service. We’ve serviced all kinds of equipment, and we’re not going anywhere. You can count on that.


Knowledge of permits, regulations, inspections and other specifications

Regardless of your location, there are rules, regulations, and red tape to certain industrial equipment. By selecting an industrial equipment supplier that’s already licensed in your city or state, you can skip a lot of the headache.

Municipalities, cities, neighborhoods, states, and more: All have their unique regulations and specifications. This isn’t something to leave to chance, and it’s important to have an expert.

Every location is different. For example, some states require a lengthy local permitting process, while other places do not. Inquire about your industrial equipment supplier’s knowledge of your locale and you’ll save everyone valuable time.


Mathews Mechanical is here for your industrial equipment supply needs — 24/7. That’s right. We offer 24/7 Emergency Support so you’re never left without what you need. How can Mathews Mechanical fill your industrial equipment needs? Learn more now.