Ultimate Guide: Custom Material Handling Solutions

Custom material handling solutions can significantly improve productivity and efficiency in any warehouse or facility that moves materials, equipment, and tools around regularly. Since most warehouses have a lot of material handling involved, it’s important to find ways to streamline the process. Here’s your ultimate guide to custom material handling solutions. 

Manual Material Handling vs. Material Handling Systems

Moving a lot of materials through a warehouse or facility is a complicated process, and doing so manually is time-consuming, produces more waste, and is a much greater safety hazard to employees than using specialized handling equipment or lifts. Of course, every business is unique and has nuances to the particular materials, parts, tools, or equipment they move within their facility on a regular basis. This means there is no one-size-fits-all approach to material handling solutions.

Benefits of Custom Material Handling Solutions

As with any custom fabrication, custom material handling solutions are highly beneficial as they are designed to fit your needs. A material handling system customized for your business will be designed to fit your warehouse, laid out in a logical way for your workflow, and will be built to safely support and carefully, and efficiently move your materials, equipment, or products. Here are some of the ways a custom material handling solution can make your facility more efficient:

Expert Installation and Support

A custom system also means expert insights. When you partner with a mechanical contractor to customize a material handling system for your facility, their custom fabrication experts will work closely with you to create a system that meets your needs while recommending how to optimize your warehouse space through the new material handling system.

Employee Safety

Because the system is designed specifically for your facility, it will uniquely support your employees and help enhance workplace safety. A material handling system often involves cranes or lifts that can take care of the heavy lifting so your employees don’t put their bodies at risk hefting loads themselves.

Faster Material Handling Processes

It’s all about efficiency: Custom material handling solutions are designed to improve the workflow in your warehouse and speed up the process, moving product significantly faster than any manual material handling ever could. The level of automation allows material handling systems to be programmed to handle several operations at once, and to do so much more quickly than human labor ever could.

Material Handling Systems You Can Have Customized

If your facility involves material handling at any level, a custom system is available for you! At Mathews Mechanical, we offer a wide variety of custom material handling solutions to meet the needs of almost any industry:


  • Conveyor Systems for moving product through a warehouse
  • Pallet Racking Systems for the storage of heavy materials and equipment
  • Pick Modules for storage and organization of SKUs
  • Manufacturing & Transport Dollies for moving heavy materials and equipment
  • Robotic Parts Handlers for organizing and managing sensitive parts
  • Bin Dumpers, both hydraulic and pneumatic
  • Custom Material Storage Pallets to better fit your specific storage needs
  • Customized Lifts to handle any variety of materials
  • Custom Product Dispensing Racks to expedite the fulfillment process
  • Mechanized Work Stations to better support employee workflows
  • Vertical Carousels to optimize storage space and simplify access to products and tools


Your facility may require a combination of several of these systems and solutions to create the most optimal material handling system possible. Our experts at Mathews Mechanical will work closely with you to plan the layout of your custom material handling solution, helping you choose the right equipment for your space.

How to Get Started with a Custom Material Handling Solution

If you’re looking for a material handling solution that is custom-built for your business, the first step is to determine your needs. Are you handling bulk materials? Do you need to move SKUs in and out of your fulfillment center quickly and efficiently? Does your business require better automation to help speed up processes and take some of the load off of your employees?

While you may be able to easily define the pain points in your material handling process, choosing the right custom solution may be more difficult without expert support. Once you have determined your needs, it’s time to bring in the professionals to make recommendations for solutions.

That’s why Mathews Mechanical prides ourselves on working closely with our customers from start to finish. Our engineers are completely in-house and will not only certify designs and create an optimized custom material handling solution for your business, but they will manage the implementation process and then work with your team to provide training on the safe and proper use of the new systems.


Interested in how our custom solutions can take your material handling to the next level? Contact our Mathews Mechanical expert mechanical engineering team today.